ABA Therapy Platform
This case study encapsulates an design challenge I completed for an Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) software company, where I invested 8 hours of effort. The company's name has been removed for confidentiality.
The ABA Platforn aims to revolutionize how Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBAs) and Behavior Therapists (BTs) manage clients, set goals, and monitor progress.
In the current landscape of the ABA practice industry, a notable deficiency exists as many practices heavily rely on manual tracking methods using pen and paper. This outdated approach poses significant challenges, making it difficult for Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBAs) to reliably collect data, manage clients, and effectively track progress. The absence of technological solutions hampers the industry's potential for streamlined operations and optimized client care.
The ABA app is introduced as a transformative solution to address the challenges prevalent in the ABA practice industry. This innovative platform offers Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBAs) a comprehensive toolset to efficiently manage clients, including features for adding diagnoses, creating behavior and skill goals, and tracking progress. By modernizing data collection and management processes, the ABA app revolutionizes how practitioners approach Applied Behavior Analysis, bringing forth a tech-driven solution to enhance overall efficiency and effectiveness in client care.
Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA)
Behavior Technician (BT)
Design Process
BCBA Portal
All clients
Overview: The All Clients Page serves as the central hub for BCBA users to manage and monitor all patients under their care. It provides a comprehensive list of clients with essential details for quick reference.
Patient Name
Last session
Behavior Technician
Current Treatment Status
Last Session Date
Action Buttons (View Details, New Client)
Client detail page
Overview: The Client Detail Page offers in-depth insights into each patient's profile and progress. BCBA users can review and manage individual treatment plans, goals, and session data.
Patient Profile (Name, Age, Diagnosis)
Treatment Plan Overview
Skill Goals
Behavior Goals
Session History
Progress Reports
Add goal modal & goal detail drawer
Overview: The Add Goal Modal provides a streamlined interface for BCBA users to create and add new skill or behavior goals to a patient's treatment plan. It ensures efficient goal creation while maintaining clarity and ease of use.
Parameters (e.g., Times to Run Activity, Mastery Criteria)
Goal Phase
Save/Save & Next/Cancel Buttons
Title and Description: Users input the title and description of the goal to provide context and details.
Parameters: Users set parameters such as the number of times to run the activity and mastery criteria to define goal achievement.
Goal Phase: Users select the current phase of the goal (Baseline, Treatment, Mastered).
Save/Save & Next/Cancel: Users can save the newly added goal, save and create another goal or cancel the operation to return to the previous screen.
Goal detail drawer
Overview: The Goal Detail Drawer offers a comprehensive view of a specific goal within a patient's treatment plan. It provides BCBA users with detailed information and progress tracking for individual goals.
Goal Type (Skill or Behavior)
Parameters (e.g., Times to Run Activity, Mastery Criteria)
Goal Phase
Progress Tracker
Session History
Mastery Status
Collaboration Tools (Comments, Attachments)
Edit/Delete Options
Goal Information: Users can view the type, title, description, parameters, and current phase of the goal.
Progress Tracker: Users can track goal progress, including session history and mastery status.
Collaboration Tools: Users can leave comments or attach relevant files to facilitate collaboration with team members.
Edit/Delete Options: Users have the option to edit goal details or delete the goal if necessary.